On Decision Making

A long time ago, as I reached the end of my teacher training, I started going to interviews for my first job. It was the end of the 70s and people were already going on about high unemployment and a shortage of jobs.

In the end I applied for something like 35 jobs and went to 18 interviews. I still remember things about a lot of those schools. The one in Cornwall where you could look from the playing fields down over sheep grazing on the hills to a glimpse of the sea. The one with incredibly narrow corridors where the students had to turn sideways to pass each other. The one with cherry trees in glorious pink blossom in early May.

But the one I go back to in my mind is the one where I got offered the job and couldn’t make up my mind. I sat in the headmaster’s study in an agony of indecision. It was late in the day, and everybody had gone home, including the other candidates for the job. There was just the headmaster and me and my indecision.

After a while, he said to me that he had to go and check on one or two things and lock up. Then he would come back and I would have to give my answer. That would give me a few minutes on my own to make my decision.

I was still no nearer to a decision when he came back in.

And then something clicked in my mind and the situation suddenly became clear. And I said to the headmaster, “If I have to think about it as much as this, then the answer must be no.”

And I walked out of there with a sense of relief.

I’ve never regretted that decision.

I had another situation recently where someone made me an offer and it was going around in my mind. Lots of arguments for, but did I really want to do it? And then this incident came to mind again and I knew the answer had to be ‘no.’

I share this little story with you in the hope that it may ease a difficult decision for you in the future. Just remember, if you have to think about it, then the answer’s probably ‘no.’ The best decisions are the ones you don’t even really think about. You know exactly what you’re going to say.

Another pointer: we often have a lot of different voices and motivations going round in our heads and it can be difficult to know which of them really belong to us and which are those of our parents, loved ones, friends or simply the one that doesn’t want to upset the person in front of us.

Try to decide what’s you and what isn’t.

And then ask what you really want to do.

It’s you that will have to live with the decision, not someone else. So don’t get trapped into saying what you think other people want to hear. You’ll be selling yourself short and ultimately, you’ll be selling everybody around you short as well, even if they may not recognize that immediately.

Have a great week.




Diving In An Airplane

I’ve flown on many planes to various destinations and I’ve heard the same dubiously useful information given out by the cabin crew over and over again. Much of it is just reassuring bla meant to comfort our psyches and some of it is downright impossible to apply. For example, passengers are squeezed so tightly into ever smaller seats that the likelihood of them being able to bend over to assume the ‘crash position’ recedes with each passing year.

And how often do people survive a crash anyway?

Yes, I’ve heard many useless pieces of information over the years, but not once have I ever heard any crew member give an announcement about how to equalize the pressure in your ears.

You know – for that moment in the flight when the plane is descending in altitude in order to prepare for landing and every baby and child aboard starts to scream.

They are screaming because the pressure on the outside of the tympani (ear drums) in their ears is greater than the pressure inside. And it hurts. A lot.

Any diver knows about the importance of ‘equalizing’ when you descend into the sea. Every ten metres, the pressure doubles. Even if you dive to the bottom of a swimming pool, you will feel discomfort or even pain in your ears if you don’t equalize them.

The remedy is simple:

You pinch your nose with your fingers so that air can no longer escape and blow slowly into your nose as you would with a handkerchief. You keep up the air pressure until you hear a slight popping in each ear.

And hey presto, no more discomfort or pain.

On a plane, your hearing will suddenly become much clearer, as if all sound was previously muffled.

Equalizing is usually only necessary when the external pressure of water (or air in our plane situation) increases, not when it decreases.

A diver on the way back up to the surface does not usually have to equalize any more than a passenger in a plane taking off and climbing to its cruising altitude. When the pressure inside the ears is greater than that outside, the body normally releases the internal pressure naturally on its own.

So it’s only when the aircraft descends and the air pressure in the cabin increases that there’s a problem.

Some people are aware of this and chew gum which can help to equalize the pressure. However, I suspect that a great number of people who have never been diving do not know why their ears are hurting nor how simple it is to rectify.

Imagine how much pain and suffering could be avoided with a simple cabin announcement. Add to that the discomfort to other passengers of loud wailing in the cabin. Of course, babies and very small children may not be able to perform this simple manoeuvre, but it would still help a lot of children and adults.

So why does no airline company do it?

Beats me!

Have a great week!




P.S. In my humble opinion, the designers who construct planes so that toxic fumes from the engines are funnelled into the passenger cabin when the plane reverses out from its parking bay (yes, that disgusting oily burnt smell – you know exactly what I mean!) should have the same mixture funnelled into their homes on a daily basis until they come up with a responsible and healthy solution.


A little while ago, I listened to an interview between Gabrielle Bernstein and Jessica Ortner in the context of the Tapping World Summit 2016 (See also my post Healthy Comment).

I thought the content was valuable so I checked out Gabrielle’s site and stumbled on this quick one minute recentering process video, which I thought I’d share with you:

What’s intriguing about Gabrielle is that she looks like an angel, but she has a voice that indicates she hasn’t always been one!

Don’t be put off by the word ‘meditation.’  I know that some people get a bit skittish when they hear it.  It’s a really good breathing exercise and a useful tool to help you recenter in a time of stress.  I heartily recommend that you give it a try.

There are so many situations where a bit of rapid recentering can come in handy – before exams, tests, difficult interviews or conversations, in the face of panic or anger, to name but a few.

I think you’ll be glad to have this in your toolbox.

Have a great weekend.





So you get out of the office after a really long, hard day, slump into the seat of your car and drive off in the direction of home. Almost immediately, the traffic snarls or stops completely, and you’re crawling along when you really only want to get home as fast as possible and put your feet up.

And what about that driver on a side road trying to push in? Doesn’t he realize what a hard day it’s been? ‘Hell, I’m going to give no quarter. There’s no way he’s going to push in front of me.’

Does this scenario sound familiar?

But wait a minute.

What happens if, this time, you react differently?

What happens if you not only let the guy in but smile as well? Suddenly all that pressure building inside you eases off a little. You’ve succeeded in letting go a bit. Of course, if the guy doesn’t thank you, you may not be quite so happy. There’s nothing more irritating than being taken for granted or just bad manners.

But you might just see something amazing happen. You might see the person you let in allow someone else in. And that person might let someone else in too. And suddenly, where you are, right now, doesn’t seem quite as frustrating as it did a few moments ago. You may even have a smirk on your face. You may even feel better about yourself.

And so you should. You’ve turned the world upside down and back to front for a moment and it’s a better place. You definitely deserve that drink you’ve been promising yourself when you get home….

This is what happens when you play dominoes.

Have a great weekend.




The Empire Strikes Back

I mentioned recently that I am a huge fan of Dr. Mercola and his site:


I have just left a comment on an article at that site and I thought it important enough to share both with you.

My comment:

“I keep saying to people that we’re in an “Empire Strikes Back” phase and they look perplexed. Yet it’s perfectly obvious to anybody who cares to look that the world is now run by previously unimaginably huge business corporations motivated uniquely by greed. Governments and politicians are controlled by these corporations – they do not have any real power.

We are a far cry from “Small Is Beautiful.”

The only comforting thought in times like this is that historically, no empire has ever survived. There is no particular reason to think that these will either, unless people are incapable of waking up from their technological dream. We must not underestimate the power of the individual, throw our hands up in the air and say,”But what can I do?”

We must vote with our feet. If you don’t like eating crap, then don’t buy it. If the good stuff is more expensive, then eat a little bit less. Put your money where your mouth is. Falling sales are the only thing that speak to these corporations.

This is an important article and should be read by a lot of people. The agro-industry, the scientists and the politicians will try to convince you that GE and increasing pesticides, weed killers and artificial fertilisers are the only way that we will be able to feed the planet in the future. Don’t believe a word of it. Try to inform those around you.

Only if people are properly informed will they be in a position to make a sensible decision.

Good luck to all of us.”

The article:

Regenerative Farming

Hope this is useful.





Sunglasses Are Cool?

I’ve worn sunglasses a lot over the years and then I saw this video which made perfect sense to me:

I now try to restrict my use of sunglasses.

Actually Andreas Moritz, whom you see being interviewed here, was a really interesting person with a highly individual take on health issues. Sadly, he died in 2012.  There are a number of videos with him on the Internet. Check out:


And the ihealthtube channel on YouTube or Andreas Moritz’s own site:


and his YouTube channel: just run a search with Andreas Moritz.

Hoping you’ll find this interesting and beneficial.

Have a great week.






About Language

I want to thank everybody for their comments on these pages – and there have been a lot since I revamped the site.  It’s great to have so much feedback and to hear that these posts are useful for you.

But I also wanted to make an appeal:

If you can avoid using a translating programme or plugin, please do.

As you know, computer language is utterly logical – it’s on or off, 1 or 0, yes or no.  Any question must be a closed question, resulting in a positive or a negative reply.  At best,  “If 1, do 0.”  That sort of thing.

Organic languages such as English or French have evolved over thousands of years from various sources and their development has not been dictated by logic alone.  They are the expression of a national or tribal identity and have as much to do with emotions as with logic.

This means that it is extremely difficult for a computer programme to do a good job in translating from one language to another.  The result is that many computer translations are, quite frankly, unintelligible.

So I would like to ask you please wherever possible to try and write your thoughts in English yourself, rather than resorting to your computer to do it for you.  Even if you think your English is lousy and that you’ll never be able to do it.  Just try.

I can almost guarantee that your message will come across more clearly than with an automatic translator.

Many thanks.

As this is more of a personal appeal, I’ll try to get another post up this week with a more satisfying tip for endurance free living.




Healthy Comment 2

I wrote a post recently about the most valuable health comment I’d ever heard:

Healthy Comment

Here is the second most valuable health comment I’ve ever heard:

“… you have to be sick in order to develop cancer. You know, you don’t get cancer and then you’re sick.”

*Dr. Véronique Desaulniers in Episode 2 of The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest, Ty Bollinger, documentary series, 2015.

Much as we would prefer not to think or talk about it, cancer concerns all of us. The current prediction is that 50% of men and 33% of women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives.  And even if we don’t fall ill ourselves, we all have family members, friends or colleagues that we have lost as a result of this scary disease.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about cancer and much of the scariness resides, not in the disease itself, but in the so-called ‘cures’ that conventional medicine has to offer: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.

Your doctor will almost certainly not tell you, for example, that chemotherapy is useless in many cases or that the five year survival rate for patients that is attributable solely to chemo treatment is calculated as being 2.1% in the USA and 2.3% in Australia, according to a 2004 Australian study.

See also this article which seeks to put this study into perspective from an anti-alternative treatment vantage point.

Your doctor will also certainly not inform you of any conflict of interest involved in prescribing a chemotherapy treatment. In many countries, such as the USA and France, doctors receive a significant financial kick-back from pharmaceutical companies when they prescribe such drugs.

But there is hope.

There are many alternative treatments and natural protocols out there, many of which work astonishingly well.  It’s just that people lack the knowledge to make informed decisions about how to deal with cancer and perhaps even more important, how to prevent it.

Ty Bollinger of * The Truth About Cancer lost seven members of his family to cancer and its conventional treatments, and as a result, he has made it his life’s work to discover the truth about cancer, to reveal the misinformation inherent in the health industry as we know it and to inform the general public about alternative and natural cures and preventative protocols.  His website, films and work literally save lives and give real hope.  As he says, a cancer diagnosis need not be a sentence of death.

I do heartily recommend that you visit the site:


to find out about the real causes of cancer and what you can do about it.  Your life or the life of a loved one may depend upon it.

Watch and/or buy the films that Ty has produced:

*The Truth About Cancer: The Quest For Cures
*The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest

The films contain numerous interviews with specialists, from all over the world in the case of “A Global Quest,” and cancer survivors.  The documentaries are extremely well-researched. I can guarantee that you will learn many things from the experience, some of them truly shocking.

But the most important thing you will carry away from them is hope.

I wish you a wonderful week.




*Please note: affiliate links.

Hospital Rules?

Anybody about to go into hospital, who has a friend or loved one going into a hospital or already there?

Even if you don’t have a hospital visit lined up, you should watch this video.  Forewarned is forearmed.  You owe it to yourself to take control of your own health.

Watch this phenomenal interview between Dr. Mercola and Dr. Andrew Saul.  Stick with it because Dr. Saul is incredibly lucid and what he has to say about hospital care is pretty scary.

But there is hope.  You, as patient, have the power to say, ‘no.’ 

And Dr. Saul offers some invaluable advice on how to survive a stay.

Incidentally, the book is “Hospitals and Health: Your Orthomolecular Guide to a Shorter, Safer Hospital Stay,” by Dr. Andrew Saul, and it’s available at any on-line bookstore.  Dr. Saul’s own website is:



I really hope this is of assistance to you.




How To Spot A Toxic Person

I just wanted to share a video with you that I
discovered last night and that I think you might

One of the fastest ways of making life an
endurance test is hanging out with toxic people,
so recognizing how to spot them is really useful.

Pay careful attention to the conclusion. It may
be hard to say, ‘No,’ but you owe it to yourself
to avoid wherever and whenever possible people who
don’t make you feel good about yourself.

Vanessa Van Edwards has a lot of charm and her
savvy and expressive use of her hands as she speaks
is a joy to watch.

Check it out:

Have a great week.


